World record breaking smallest waist, Cathie Jung

World’s smallest waist – belongs to Cathie Jung from USA. An American Victorian dress and corset enthusiast residing in Old Mystic, Connecticut, United States holds the record of having the smallest waist on a living person. The lady named  Cathie Jung was born in 1937 is 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in) tall, has a…

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The world’s most tattooed person – Lucky Diamond Rich

Guinness world record for the most tattooed person goes to Lucky Diamond Rich. Born as Gregory Paul Mclaren in New Zealand in 1971, Rich had always dreamed of being the most tattooed person. Rich won the record in 2006 for having tattoo on 100 percent of his body. He has tattoos in his entire body…

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Shortest person in the world – Khagendra from Nepal

A tiny guy with long name – Khagendra Thapa Magar, has just turned 18 today, on October 14, 2010. To hand over his 18th birthday present, the title of the World’s Shortest Man, Guinness World Records Book team has gone to Nepal. I wrote about Khagendra back in 2007 when He Pingping, the shortest man…

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